below the neck, above the knees (2017)
hand processed and digitized super 8 film, digital video, found footage
below the neck, above the knees is a short, personal narrative and experimental film that explores the act of violation in the context of trauma and healing. Narration leads the viewer through numerous events, connecting stories into a larger understanding of generational trauma and dysfunction. These stories are told through a feminist lens that emphasizes vulnerability and healing. They invite the viewer to absorb moments that touch on body autonomy for the sick and abused, Capitalism’s social effects on the poor, and internalized and inherited maternal lessons from the women who are doing the best that they can within limited life circumstances. Visuals are scarred and fragmented clips of super 8 film and low-fi video. Repetitious black and white imagery is penetrated by quick, blue cuts that are fully realized only at the end of the film. These visuals are fragile and cyclic, mirroring the emotions, relationships, and themes of trauma within the stories.
This film is created in spite of the definitions attempting to confine my mother, the women before her, and me. It is an act of resistance to who and what is allowed to be seen or heard. This film is my confession, but it is not my confession alone.
*Private link available upon request